Hey there! I'm Bethany Barba.
I'm a mom of now THREE little ones and a stepmom to two older girls. I love being a mom but it can be EXHAUSTING, especially if your child isn't sleeping! With my first baby, I found myself likely in a similar position to you- I was tired of getting up countless times a night to feed my son. There HAD to be a better way. |
I tried reading mom blogs and taking online classes, but nothing worked for MY specific situation. I realized I needed 1:1 support. That's when I invested in a sleep consultant, and WOW, what a difference! By implementing the consultant's recommendations, he was sleeping through the night within a week! Now at 3.5 years old, he's still an excellent sleeper. And what's better? Now I had all the tools I needed to help my new daughter follow in his footsteps. The tips provided by sleep consultants are the gifts that keep on giving!
I was amazed by how much sleep (or lack thereof!) was impacting my life. When my son started sleeping, my life drastically improved! Feelings I had attributed to postpartum depression and anxiety miraculously went away. I had more energy and was in a better mood now that I was finally getting a good night's rest. And my son was a happier kid too! It made me question why I had waited so long to get help! That's when I knew I needed to become a sleep consultant. I wanted to help other mamas discover the power of a good night's rest!
Now I work super hard to help as many tired parents as possible. As a former high school science teacher with my Master's in Education, I especially enjoy educating parents on the science of sleep and how small changes in routine can maximize sleep success. Sleep coaching is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach, and I love working closely with families to find a system that works for them. Every child is different and I tailor techniques to your child's needs. You will be shocked at what a huge difference a few small changes can make! Every family I have ever worked with has found amazing sleep success. Want to join them? Contact me today!